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20 April 2016


Above: His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan congratulates EUCLID's Pr Laurent Cleenewerck who had delivered the keynote address after HRH Prince Ghazi. The EUCLID Secretary General Syed Zahid Ali is seen between them and was standing at the right side of the king..

As announced in March 2016, a EUCLID delegation was invited to travel to Amman, Jordan, to receive the First Prize of the 2016 UN World Interfaith Harmony Week at the hand of its patron, H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan. EUCLID’s international faculty coordinator, Pr Laurent Cleenewerck, who had authored a landmark academic paper on interfaith theological dialogue released during the week-long events, was invited to deliver a speech to the distinguished audience. EUCLID’s Secretary General, Syed Zahid Ali, was the first to be called to receive the gold medal from the hand of the king who commended EUCLID for being so recognized. The event, as well as EUCLID’s recognition, was largely covered in the Jordanian and international press, as well as in Orthodox Christian outlets who reported on the important participation of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, H.B. Theophilos III.

Above: EUCLID Secretary General Syed Zahid Ali with HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan, Personal Envoy and Special Advisor of the King of Jordan.

For more press coverage:

EUCLID Cloud 07 Avril 2016



EUCLID has been officially notified that its MBA in Sustainable Development program has been ranked #1 by the independent http://www.bestcollegereviews.org/ website. The article entitled "The 23 Best Online MBA Programs In Sustainability" assessed various programs on the basis of affordability, flexibility and academic reputation. Other ranked programs included University of Colorado—Denver, UMass Dartmouth, Marylhurst University, Walden University and Presidio Graduate School.

EUCLID MBA initiatives cover a variety of fields of innovative business activities including music distribution, editing/publishing and international companies.

For more information:http://www.bestcollegereviews.org/top/online-mba-sustainability-programs/

World Interfaith Harmony WeekEUCLID Cloud 1 April 2016


EUCLID's International Faculty Coordinator, Pr Laurent Cleenewerck, was invited by the President-elect of the Central African Republic, Pr Faustin Touadera, to attend his investiture in Bangui on March 30th, 2016. Since 2005 and the inception of the "Euclid" initiative, the two men had developed a lasting friendship as well as helped foster a strong multilevel cooperation between EUCLID and the government of the Central African Republic, a country which is finally entering a new era of peace and redevelopment through democrocy and the rule of law.

Pr Cleenewerck attended the investiture in the VIP area alongside several heads of states and high level delegations from the United States, France, and the European Union. He was received the next day at the President's residence and also spent valuable time with Pr Simplice Sarandji, newly appointed Prime Minister, and Mr Firmin Ngrebada, newly appointed Minister Chief of Staff to the new President.

On the occasion of his first visit to Bangui, the International Faculty Coordinator was deputized by the Secretary General to sign an updated cooperation agreement with the University of Bangui to reinforce the operations of the historic headquarters and to develop joint and dual degree programs.

Above: EUCLID IFC with President Touadera, private visit on 31 March 2016

Above: EUCLID IFC with Rector Abdoulaye Sepou at the University of Bangui, on 31 March 2016

For more information: Presidency of the Central African Republic

World Interfaith Harmony WeekEUCLID Cloud 21 March 2016


EUCLID has been officially notified that it has been awarded the first prize of the 2016 UN World Interfaith Harmony Week events.

A High Level EUCLID delegation will travel to Amman, Jordan, to receive the gold medal and the prize from His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan. The entire EUCLID is grateful that its courageous efforts in the area of inter-religious dialogue and diplomacy have been recognized at such a high level and by such a distinguished panel of judges.

The World Interfaith Harmony Week was first proposed at the United Nations General Assembly on September 23, 2010 by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan. Just under a month later, on October 20, 2010, it was unanimously adopted by the UN and henceforth the first week of February, every year, will be observed as a World Interfaith Harmony Week.

For more information: Official World Interfaith Harmony Week announcement

World Interfaith Harmony WeekEUCLID Cloud 17 March 2016


EUCLID has officially announced it will be represented, at the invitation of President-elect Touadera of the Central African Republic, at the investiture ceremony which will take place on March 30th in Bangui.

EUCLID's international faculty coordinator, who has been a long-time friend of the President-elect since his days as rector of the University of Bangui at the inception of the "Euclid" initiative, will represent the organization and meet with the current rector of the University of Bangui to strengthen the cooperation between the two institutions.

For more information: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

EUCLID Cloud 22 February 2016


The entire EUCLID family is pleased to share the good news that Pr Faustin Touadera, former Rector of the University of Bangui, and former Prime Minister, was confirmed last Saturday as the winner of the democratic presidential elections which took place between last December 2015 and February 2016 in the Central African Republic. Touadéra was a key figure in the creation of the "Euclid" initiative in 2005/2006 and personally signed the intergovernmental instrument of participation on behalf of his country in 2010. After leaving the post of Prime Minister in 2013, Pr Touadera remained in close contact with EUCLID and became EUCLID's High Steward in 2014.

Photo above: Toudéra, himself a noted academic holding two PhDs in pure mathematics, personally presided over a EUCLID graduation in New York, in his capacity as Prime Minister of EUCLID's historic headquarters state (2012).

EUCLID offers well-deserved congratulations to the President-Elect and will continue to serve his highly symbolic in the heart of the African continent as it enters into a promising phase of renewal and development.

World Interfaith Harmony WeekEUCLID Cloud 26 January 2016 - updated


EUCLID has officially announced its active participation in the UN-sponsored World Interfaith Harmony Week, with events to take place around the world through EUCLID-sponsored coordinators. The focus of the events will be promoted a better understand of the landmark "A Common Word" document, with events and encounters scheduled in:

  • Central African Republic
  • The United States (California)
  • Gambia (at EUCLID HQ)
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Ethiopia (at COMESA-LLPI HQ)

Official UN Week banner

Mindful of its intergovernmental mandate to foster inter-religious dialogue and diplomacy, EUCLID has launched a dedicated web site, at http://interfaith.euclid.int which is being launched in conjuction with the announcement and implementation of the Interfaith Harmony Week events. Please visit these pages again by 01/30/2016 for an updated schedule of all confirmed events.

The EUCLID event entry is posted on the official WIHW site at:

http://worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/events-2016/ with the specific entry at:


A news report for the Gambia event is postedat:


The overall report, which is entered for consideration in the international prize, is being posted at:


Carnegie Council Ethics DayEUCLID Cloud 07 December 2015


The EUCLID Secretary General has approved the nomination presented by Datuk Agung Sidayu, Honorary Consul of Sierra Leone in Indonesia and Timor-Leste, calling for the recognition of Minister Alpha Kanu’s outstanding contribution to the governance of the Sierra Leone, especially during the recent time of crisis dealing with the Ebola Outbreak. As a result, Datuk Agung Sidayu will be travelling to Freetown to represent the EUCLID Secretary General and to present the speech and award to Minister Kanu.

The convocation is to take place on December 19 in the afternoon, at the Mary Henrietta Kingsley Auditorium of the University of Sierra Leone.

For more information on this award and event, please read the full article at http://cocorioko.info/alpha-kanu-has-the-intellectual-nous-and-pedigree-for-his-honorary-ph-d-degree/

Photo above: Minister Alpha Kanu is seen visiting the campus of FBC University of Sierra Leone with the Vice-Chancellor.

Carnegie Council Ethics DayEUCLID Cloud 23 October 2015

UNA/NY Gala: EUCLID's Robin van Puyenbroeck with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

On the occasion of the annual UNA/NY (United Nations Association, New York) Gala (UN DAY 2015 Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner), EUCLID's Under Secretary-General Robin van Puyenbroeck, in his capacity as UNA/NY Vice-President, was privileged to greet H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations.

Photo above: UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon (left), UNA/NY Vice-President and EUCLID Under Secretary-General Robin van Puyenbroeck at the UN DAY 2015 Humanitarian Awards Gala Dinner (New York, 22 October 2015)

For more information: http://unanyc.org/about/award_dinner.html

Carnegie Council Ethics DayEUCLID Cloud 03 October 2015

EUCLID participates in Global Ethics Day, October 16, 2015 organized by the Carnegie Council

EUCLID is pleased to announce that it will be officially participating in and promoting the Carnegie Council's second annual Global Ethics Day.

The initiative encourages academic institutions around the world, including in our network, to use this day to hold events, such as lectures, film screenings, debates, panel discussions, or other educational activities to explore the quest for a global ethic.

For more information: Announcement page with list of participating institutions

EUCLID flagEUCLID Cloud 23 July 2015

Update on EUCLID participation in key international networks

EUCLID is pleased to announce that it has been formally approved for participation / membership in GRLI (Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative) and GUIDE (Global Universities in Distance Education), two leading international networks of higher education institutions.


With these participations, EUCLID continues to be one of the most interconnected and globally engaged institution of higher education in the world, leveraging its intergovernmental status to act as interface and partners to governments, universities and global networks.

For more information: EUCLID Participations and Memberships page

CAFRAD logoEUCLID Cloud 22 July 2015

EUCLID publishes "Binding and Non-Binding Instruments in Intergovernmental Relations" guidebook for diplomats and international relations scholars

EUCLID released today the first edition of its much-anticipated practical and scholarly handbook on binding and non-binding instruments in the context of heightened interest in this issue, for instance in light of the recent Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between the P5+1 and Iran (photo on cover). Four EUCLID faculty members have collaborated to make this project and important contribution possible.

The 190 page book is available on Amazon.com in Kindle and 6x9 print format.

Above: Front side cover the book as released in July 2015.


CAFRAD logoEUCLID Cloud 16 June 2015

EUCLID Secretary reports on meetings in The Hague and Paris

The EUCLID Secretary General, Mr Syed Zahid Ali, travelled to The Hague (Netherlands) and Paris (France) to attend an ACUNS conference and hold meetings with several senior Participant States officials as well as EUCLID's IFC/OCC.

Above: SG Ali with the ACUNS Chairman and President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice

Above: SG Ali with H.E. Hanna Simon, Ambassador of the State of Eritrea to France and UNESCO.

Above: SG Ali with H.E. Yusupha Alieu Kah, Ambassador of the Republic of The Gambia to France and UNESCO.

Above: SG Ali (left) with Mr. Désiré Baboula, Deputy Permanent Delegate of the Central African Republic to UNESCO (center), and Pr. Laurent Cleenewerck (EUCLID IFC/OCC) (right).

CAFRAD logoEUCLID Cloud 27 March 2015

EUCLID and CAFRAD sign Memorandum of Understanding and launch Joint Degree Program

The EUCLID Secretary General, Mr Syed Zahid Ali, is pleased to announce the signature of two agreements with CAFRAD, an intergovernmental organization serving 36 Member States with a mandate in Public Administration. The two organizations will now offer a joint MPA program specialized in International Public Administration to support capacity building and higher education options in the sector. CAFRAD is the main regional partner of the United Nations Public Administration Network (UNPAN).

Finalized Memorandum of Understanding

Finalized Memorandum of Agreement

CAFRAD official site

COMESA LLPI logoEUCLID Cloud 11 March 2015

EUCLID and COMESA-LLPI sign umbrella Memorandum of Understanding

The EUCLID Secretary General, Mr Syed Zahid Ali, is pleased to announce the signature of an umbrella Memorandum of Understanding with COMESA-LLPI, an intergovernmental organization serving 9 Member States and affiliated to COMESA, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. The two organizations have, in this framework, plans to develop a joint MBA program in Leather Commerce of Industry to support capacity building and economic development in the sector.

Finalized Memorandum of Understanding


COMESA official site | COMESA LLPI official site

UNWTO logoEUCLID Cloud 28 February 2015

EUCLID Head of Mission meets with UNWTO Secretary General

During the week of February 23, 2015, Nicolas Badaoui, EUCLID Head of Mission in Lebanon and to the Arab League met with H.E. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization to discuss possible cooperation avenues between the two intergovernmental bodies.Mr Badaoui is photographed below with Mr Rifai (center) and the Minister of Tourism of Lebanon, Michel Pharaon (right)

Nicolas Badaoui UNWTO Meeting photo

Juan AvilaEUCLID Cloud 28 January 2015

EUCLID welcomes Ambassador Juan Avila as High Steward

The Secretary General is pleased to welcome H.E. Dr Juan Avila, an academic and diplomat with the rank of Ambassador at the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, as newly appointed EUCLID High Steward.

EUCLID Cloud 23 September 2014

EUCLID faculty featured as authors in ACUNS Journal (09/23/2014):

This article is also featured on the website of the United Nations Association (New York)

Castro Logo

EUCLID Cloud Faculty

EUCLID welcomes specialized faculty member

EUCLID congratulates and welcomes

international tax attorney John Anthony Castro on joining the EUCLID faculty team. Mr Castro becomes the supervising faculty member for the LLM-TAX course and brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the LLM program.


Ambassador Hanna Simon

EUCLID Cloud In Focus

EUCLID congratulates MDIA graduate on appointment as ambassador (28 July 2014)

EUCLID congratulates MDIA graduate

and EUCLID alumnus Hanna Simon (Eritrea, '11) on the occasion of her appointment as Ambassador of Eritrea to France and to UNESCO. This appointment attests to the high-level network of EUCLID graduates serving as international civil servants.

AQAA logo

EUCLID Cloud In Focus

EUCLID supports upcoming Gambia Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority

EUCLID congratulates the Ministry of Higher

Education of its Headquarters, under the leadership of newly appointed Permanent Secretary Dr Cherno Omar Barry, for its active support to legalize and implement the AQAA framework by the end of 2014. EUCLID is pleased to be in a position to support the implementation of this important process for all Gambia-based institutions. Like the United Nations University which is adding the national system of the headquarters State to its existing multilateral treaty-based accreditation, EUCLID indicates its readiness to obtain formal AQAA certification by the end of 2014.

AQAA in the news

Vatican Flag

EUCLID Cloud 21 January 2014

EUCLID faculty meets with Pope Francis, presents letters

EUCLID congratulates Fr Jose Kuruvachira

on the occasion of his recent meeting with Pope Francis held at the Vatican on January 9th 2014. The Pope had invited our distinguished EUCLID faculty member to mark Fr Jose Kuruvachira's ordination jubilee and personally received a letter about EUCLID's important work in ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue.

IsDB logo

EUCLID Cloud 16 January 2014

EUCLID and IDB (Islamic Development Bank) sign partnership agreement

The EUCLID Secretariat announced today that

EUCLID has signed an agreement with the Islamic Development Bank to become an IsDB partner and to help promote its Business Plan Competition.

For more information, please visit: http://www.idb-bpcompetition.com/


acuns logo

EUCLID Cloud 13 December 2013

EUCLID initiates ACUNS Institutional Membership and NY events

The EUCLID Secretariat announced today that

it has completed institutional membership process with the Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) and is fully committed to leverage its high level relationships in New York to foster engagement between the United Nations stakeholders and higher education institutions.

The EUCLID family takes this opportunity to congratulate Secretary General Syed Zahid Ali on his updated membership and listing in the International Association of University Presidents.

photo fpa event

Photo above: EUCLID's Robin van Puyenbroeck, panel speaker at the Eurozone in Crisis event at the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium, May 2013.


Mamadou Tangara

EUCLID Cloud 05 December 2013

EUCLID issues statement on situation in Central African Republic

The EUCLID Secretariat and Senior Management

Team express their grief at the news of the tragic death toll in the Central African Republic, and welcome the United Nations Security Council's decision to authorize a French military intervention to immediately restore civil order. Mindful of the inter-religious dimensions taken by the conflict, EUCLID condemns any and all such violence, and hopes for a prompt return to peace and harmony between the two fraternal communities. EUCLID expresses its ongoing concern, support and care for its friends and colleagues whose situation in Bangui has been extremely difficult, and never forgets the importance of its historic roots and original headquarters, as well as its standing ties with the University of Bangui. EUCLID takes this occasion to mention and praise the remarkable inter-religious harmony and stability experience in the Gambia where its new headquarters have been established with outstanding government support.


Mamadou Tangara

EUCLID Cloud 06 November 2013

EUCLID Headquarters State completes post Headquarters procedures at United Nations and UNESCO

EUCLID is grateful to the Government of The Gambia for the completion of several key

procedures related to the implementation of the headquarters agreement signed in 2013, including its registration with the United Nations Treaty Section, and EUCLID's updated registration with the UN Human Resources Directorate and with UNESCO.

EUCLID's Under-Secretary General in New York, Mr Robin Van Puyenbroeck, in his capacity of Vice-President of the United Nations Association of New York, was pleased to invite and host H.E. Dr Mamadou Tangara, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of The Gambia, as well as H.E. Roubani Kaambi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Comoros (EUCLID's Diplomatic High Steward), at the UNA-NY Annual Gala whose guest of honor was former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

United Nations Association NY Gala 2013

Photo above: From left: UNA-NY Executive Vice President Robin van Puyenbroeck; UNA-NY Treasurer Dr. Peter Rajsingh; UNA-NY President Abid Qureshi; former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright; 2013 Honoree Dr. Norbert Reithofer, Chairman and CEO of BMW Group; and UNA-NY Executive Director Ann Nicol.

Dr Mamadou TANGARA at UNA dinner

Photo above: Ambassador Mamadou Tangara at the UNA gala, seated at the table of Robin van Puyenbroeck, UNA-NY Vice President and EUCLID USG.

UNTS filing Certifying Statement

Joint Letter to UN Directorate for Human Resources on HQ update

More on the UNA Gala information and photos

EUCLID TIN and ECOBANK HQ procedures


International Public Health Flag

EUCLID Cloud Updated 05 November 2013

EUCLID announces an innovative online Master's Degree program in International Public Health

EUCLID is pleased to announce the launch of a new graduate program focused on International Public Health. This comprehensive, rigorous and fully-documented program will prepare future civil servants

engaged in international public health issues including HIV/AIDS, Malaria and intergovernmental cooperation. EUCLID is especially pleased with the truly international dimension of the faculty group, and with the relevant focus on critical public health issues in the global south.

Open enrollment is scheduled to start on 11 November 2013.

Click to download


Dr Mamadou Tangara

EUCLID Cloud 23 September 2013 - updated November 2013

UNGA opens; EUCLID congratulates Dr Tangara on presentation of UN credentials

The EUCLID Senior Management Team presents its congratulations to H.E. Dr. Mamadou Tangara, previously Minister of Higher Education, who

was recently appointed by H.E. President Jammeh as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of The Gambia to the United Nations. Dr Tangara was the signatory for the government of The Gambia of the EUCLID instruments of participation and headquarters agreement, and will receive EUCLID's full support in fulfilling this highly visible function in New York.

Mamadou Tangara with Ban Ki Moon

Photo above: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) meets with Dr Mamadou Tangara, new Permanent Representative of the Gambia to the United Nations.

UN Press Release

UN Photos


Flag of Lebanon

EUCLID Cloud 12 August 2013

United Nations completes full publication of EUCLID treaties

The EUCLID Secretary-General, who is also the depositary of the intergovernmental agreements registered with the United Nations under Article 102 of the Charter, is pleased to confirm that the full text

and signatures of UNTS 49006 and 49007 have now been published on the official web site of the United Nations. Secretary-General Syed Zahid Ali noted that Gambia's instrument of participation (2012) together with the headquarters agreement (2013) are due to be filed in September 2013. Uganda and Vanuatu did not submit their confirmations on time to be included in the UNTS filing of December 2010, without prejudice to their status as Participating States.

Photo above: A Gambia UNTS action photographed in 2008, non-EUCLID related, with the flag of The Gambia displayed on main screen.

UN Publication of UNTS-49006

UN Publication of UNTS-49007


Flag of Lebanon

EUCLID Cloud 07 August 2013

EUCLID announces online Master's Degree program in International Public Health

EUCLID is pleased to announce the launch of a new graduate program focused on International Public Health. This comprehensive, rigorous and fully-documented program will prepare future civil servants

engaged in international public health issues including HIV/AIDS, Malaria and intergovernmental cooperation. Subject to completion of all internal procedures and faculty availability, enrollment is scheduled to start in October 2013.

MIPH Brochure (PDF)


Flag of Lebanon

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 02 July 2013

EUCLID HLD returns from The Gambia, finalizes new HQ Agreement

The EUCLID Secretary General is pleased to report that the headquarters agreement with the Government of the Gambia has been concluded with immediate

operational effect. Between June 25 and 28, at the invitation of the Government of The Gambia, the Secretary General headed the High Level Delegation which also included the EUCLID Institutional High Steward Ambassador Niyonzima as well as Under Secretary-General R. Van Puyenbroeck.

During the visit, the High Level Delegation was received at the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST), at the UNESCO National Commission, at the University of The Gambia, at the Social Security Administration, and met Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff. The Headquarters Agreement together with other relevant documents were duly signed and took effect on 27 June 2013.

Article in The Gambia Observer
HQ Q&A with SG Ali

Official Circular issued in application of HQ Agreement
Updated UNESCO filings and documents

Above: EUCLID Secretary General and The Honourable Dr. Mamadou Tangara, Minister of Higher Education, seen signing the Academic Headquarters agreement (Kotu, June 27-28, 2013)

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 12 April 2013

EUCLID Head of Mission in Lebanon reports on high level meetings

The EUCLID Secretary General is pleased to report on the high level meetings held by the EUCLID Head of Mission in Lebanon and to the Arab League, Mr. Nicolas Badaoui.

Mr. Badaoui was personally received by the newly appointed Prime Minister, H.E. Tammam Salam and offered his congratulations on behalf of the EUCLID Secretary General (photo below). Mr Badaoui was also received by H.E. Cardinal Bechara Boutros Rai (second photo below) and held discussion with senior Arab League official and former Ambassador to UNESCO, H.E. Nassif Hitti.

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 19 February 2013

EUCLID releases 2012 Annual Reports in English and French

The EUCLID Secretary-General announced today the official release of the 2012 Annual Reports which are now available in PDF format.

According to the Statutes and to the now established practice, the printed copies will be distributed to the Ministers of Education, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representatives to the UN, and Permanent Representatives to UNESCO / National UNESCO Commissions.

Annual Report In English
Annual Report In French

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 16 January 2013

EUCLID welcomes letter from United Nations regarding WHED categorization and recognition of accreditation

Following the request by Ambassador Doubane to ensure that the intergovernmental universities not hitherto listed in the WHED system should be formally included in the UN Inspira Database, the United Nations

has coordinated with UNESCO/IAU to ensure that these institutions would be visible in WHED in 2013. The letter from the United Nations is also a formal statement that "both IAU/UNESCO and the UN Secretariat recognize Euclide- Pole Universitaire Euclide and the other four UN institutions you mentioned as being accredited." (0218/RCA/MP/ONU-12, dated 10 December 2012).

UN Inspira

Information about WHED

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 26 December 2012

EUCLID welcomes Ambassador Herménégilde Niyonzima as Institutional High Steward

To support and complement the work of newly appointed Diplomatic High Steward Roubani Kaambi, H.E. Ambassador Herménégilde Niyonzima has been offered and has formally accepted the role of EUCLID Institutional High Steward.

Ambassador Niyonzima is the current Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Burundi to the United Nations in New York. He was instrumental in Burundi's participation in EUCLID and is well acquainted with the organization's officials, programs and project.

The EUCLID team is highly appreciative of Ambassador Niyonzima's acceptance and active support to the institutional development of the organization.

Biography of Ambassador Niyonzima (UN)

Biography of Ambassador Niyonzima (Official)

Permanent Mission of Burundi to the United Nations

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 10 December 2012

EUCLID welcomes Ambassador Roubani Kaambi as Diplomatic High Steward

Following the retirement of Ambassador Mohamed Toihiri who had served as EUCLID High Steward since March 2011, his successor as Ambassador of the

Comoros to the United Nations and United States, H.E. Roubani Kaambi has accepted to also succeed Ambassador Toihiri as EUCLID's Diplomatic High Steward.

The EUCLID team is highly appreciative of Ambassador Kaambi's acceptance and active involvment to ensure institutional continuity and to bring the organization to new heights in 2013.

Photo: Ambassador Kaambi meeting with EUCLID Assistant Secretary-General Chad D'Amore in Washington DC, 06 December 2012.

Official Letter of Acceptance

Official Biography of Ambassador Kaambi (UN)

Permanent Mission of the Union of the Comoros to the UN

Embassy of the Union of the Comoros to the United States

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 3 December 2012

Government formally allocates headquarters offices to EUCLID in Prime Minister's office complex

Prime Minister Pr. Archange Faustin Touadera, acting through his Chief of Cabinet and Minister Simplice Sarandji, has finalized the allocation of additional office space for the EUCLID Headquarters in the office complex of

the "Primature" (Prime Minister's Offices). The "Primature" is located in the famous building known as the Petroca tower on Avenue des Martyrs, where the University of Bangui is also located. This is an important step to foster cooperation with the national University of Bangui (as visiting campus) while making a clear distinction between the two institutions.

Official Decision (French)

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 9 November 2012

EUCLID congratulates Tesfa Seyoum on his election to the United Nations General Assembly Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

The EUCLID Secretary-General warmly congratulates Mr Tesfa Seyoum, as well as athe State of Eritrea, on the occasion of his election to the important United Nations General Assembly Advistory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.

EUCLID is proud that both the outgoing Chairman and incoming Member are EUCLID students who reflect highly on their governments and academic institution.

Above (archive photo): ASG I. N. de Montfort (center) with H.E. Ambassador and Permanent Representative Araya Desta (left) and Counsellor / Deputy Permanent Representative Tesfa Seyoum.

Mr Tesfa Seyoum's biography at UN site

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 2 November 2012

Prime Minister appoints Academic Coordinator; discusses expanded headquarters offices

Prime Minister Pr. Archange Faustin Touadera, acting through his Chief of Cabinet Minister Simplice Sarandji, has appointed Dr Guy-Florent Ankogui-MPoko (also spelled Ankoguy-M'Poko) as EUCLID Academic Coordinator at the Prime Minister's Office.

Guy-Florent Ankoguy-M'Poko also serves as officier in charge of mission to the Prime Minister in education and higher education, and previous served as Director General of the Ministry of Higher Education. Concurrently, Dr Ankoguy-M'Poko who holds a doctorate in geography, continues to lecture at the University of Bangui. One of his tasks will be to ensure application of international standards and global accreditation validation for the institution.

The Prime Minister's office is in the final stage of allocating additional space in the capital to EUCLID, in this case in the imposing Prime Minister's own office building on the 6th floor.

Official Decision with translation

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 10 October 2012

Student with official status visits EUCLID HQ in Bangui

EUCLID's Focal Point in Bangui, Mr Apollinaire MOLAYE, welcomed Mr Benjamin GORO GIMBA, a EUCLID student with official status in South Sudan, who was visiting the EUCLID HQ in Bangui. Mr GORO GIMBA

visited the Centre de Ressources Multimedia on the Campus of the University of Bangui and was received by the Secretary-General of the university on October 5th. Mr GORO GIMBA was also received by the Minister Director of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister, Mr Simplice SARANDJI; and by the Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Bernard BONDA, to discuss diplomatic contacts.

Photo below: MM. SARANJDI, MOLAYE and GORO GIMBA holding a meeting at the Prime Minister's office complex in Bangui.

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 21 August 2012

Headquarters State completes UNESCO Portal submission of documents

The EUCLID Secretary-General was informed today that EUCLID's headquarters State, the Central African Republic, has completed the procedures pertaining to the country's participation in the UNESCO Portal on

recognized higher education institutions which is an important mechanism endorsed by UNESCO and CHEA to validate educational credentials and recognition. EUCLID congratulates the government of H.E. Prime Minister Touadera for undertaking and completing this complex and important procedure. EUCLID's most recent Participating State, the Republic of the Gambia, also finalized its documention and the two governments aim at become the 4th and 5th participating countries for the African continent in this important international initiative.

UNESCO Portal on Recognized Higher Education Institutions

OECD background to the UNESCO Portal initiative

UNESCO / CHEA joint article relevant to the UNESCO Portal initiative

Gambia filings for UNESCO Portal initiative

HQ State filings for UNESCO Portal initiative

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 22 August 2012

Eritrea's Minister of Foreign Affairs meets EUCLID Assistant Secretary-General

In addition to representing EUCLID at the official graduation ceremony for the LOT3 students in Asmara, EUCLID Assistant Secretary-General Chad D'Amore was received by H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs Osman Saleh.

This was not the first meeting between the two officials who had previously met in the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly of 2009. The focus of the discussion was on possible cooperation programs dealing with human resources development for Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff members.


EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 16 August 2012 (corrected 22 August 2012)

Minister of Education and EUCLID ASG officiate at LOT3 graduation ceremony

After 4 years of intense studies funded by the European Commission, 60 students of the Ministry of Education of Eritrea received today their diplomas at the hands of the Minister of Education, H.E. Semere Russom (center) and

in the presence of EUCLID Assistant Secretary-General Chad D'Amore (right) who had travelled to Asmara to personally represent the Secretary-General who was unable to attend.

Dr. Tadesse Mehari, Executive Director of the National Board for Higher Education (left), also participated in the event to officialize the graduation of the 58 civil servants. Additionally, the deans from all of the state schools were present to support the graduation.

Article in Eritrea's Ministry of Information official site

Article and photo in Eritrea Profile magazine (English Language, page 3)

Article and photo in Eritrea's journal (Eritrean Language)

More about the LOT3 / EuropeAid/126931/D/SER/ER project


EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 06 August 2012

Gambia becomes 12th EUCLID Participating State

The EUCLID Secretariat is pleased to announce that H.E. Dr. Mamadou Tangara, Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, has approved on behalf of the government of Gambia the required instrument of participation and approval, with date of effect on August 1st, 2012.

The Gambia is Africa's smallest country, enclaved within Senegal along the Gambia river with a small access to the ocean. It is an ECOWAS and OIC Member State, and internationally known for the energy and results of its football team.

Instrument of Participation - Government of Gambia

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 03 July 2012

Update on EUCLID institutional participations

The EUCLID Secretariat is pleased to announce and confirm EUCLID's membership in the African Association of Universities (AAU).

EUCLID has also become a member of the UN-endorsed Academic Impact program of the UNESCO-related Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI).

These important participations will continue to engage EUCLID faculty and students in the global cooperation that is at the heart of EUCLID's mandate.

Letter from the AAU Secretary-General

Note: The AAU listing of members taking into account the new 2012 members will be updated in 09/2012.

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 02 July 2012

EUCLID Secretary-General featured in Pakistan State Times

EUCLID Secretary-General Syed Zahid Ali, a citizen of Pakistan, was featured and interviewed in the Pakistan State Times.

The interview, presented in a Q&A format, is sign of increasing recognition for the tremendous work accomplished under the leadership of the Secretary-General since 2005.

Interview in the printed version of the newspaper

EUCLID Cloud UPDATE: 02 July 2012

Intervention of Prime Minister Faustin A Touadera at the Rio Summit 20+

EUCLID wishes to give an international echo to this important summit and to the intervention of the Prime Minister of the Central African Republic.

EUCLID Cloud 04/09/2012: EUCLID delegation meets with Prime Minister of Headquarters State in sidelines of UN meeting

A EUCLID delegation was received on Wednesday April 9, 2012 by His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadera, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic, in the sidelines of this intervention before the United Nations Security Council, for a meeting at the Permanent Mission and for a working lunch. The EUCLID delegation discussed the institutional accomplishments of the organization who has its origins in an initiative sponsored by the Prime Minister during his tenure as Rector of the University of Bangui in 2005-2006.

MDIA student Mrs Nelly Gicho-Niyonzima, the wife of the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Burundi to the United Nations also received her diploma on this occasion, also in the presence of the Prime Minister and three Ambassadors - Permanent Representatives (Hermenegilde Niyonzima of Burundi, Mohamed Toihiri of the Comoros, and Charles Armel Doubane of the Central African Republic).

Photo above: Mrs Nelly Gicho-Niyonzima receiving her diploma from His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadera, Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (headquarters state) and Mr Robin van Puyenbroeck, Special Representative of the EUCLID Secretary-General.

EUCLID Cloud 03/12/2012: EUCLID Assistant Secretary-General presents Post-Graduate diploma to Vincentian diplomat

Assistant Secretary-General Chad D'Amore was received at the Embassy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in Washington DC to present to government-sponsored student Omari Williams his well-deserved Post-Graduate Certificate in Diplomacy and International Affairs. Mr Williams is the Deputy Chief of Mission at the embassy and is currently pursuing the remainder of the MDIA program. The EUCLID PCGDIA is awarded upon completion of ACA-401, TPH-499 and DIP-401.

EUCLID Cloud 03/04/2012: EUCLID adopts Egnyte Private Cloud for global file sharing solution

EUCLID announced today the adoption and roll out of its new global private cloud solution based on the Egnyte platform. "The new technology will facilitate collaboration and information sharing between staff, faculty and students in EUCLID's very distributed organizational structure" explained Secretary-General Syed Zahid Ali.


For more information about Egnyte's Cloud Platform, visit www.egnyte.com

EUCLID Cloud 03/01/2012: EUCLID releases and distributes 2011 Annual Report to stakeholders

EUCLID announced today the distribution of its 2011 Annual Report in English and French to all major stakeholders in accordance with its Statutes and established practice. The letter of transmittal signed by the Secretary-General confirmed the broad distribution of the report to all Ministers of Education and Foreign Affairs, UNESCO Delegations and National Commissions, Permanent Missions to the United Nations as well as National Points of Contact for all 11 Participating States.

02/02/2012: SRSG meet with CAR and Comoros Permanent Representatives to the United Nations

EUCLID's Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr Robin van Puyenbroeck, held a meeting today Thursday with H.E. Ambassador Charles-Armel Doubane, Permanent Representative of the Central African Republic to the United Nations (photo center) and H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Toihiri, Permanent Representative of the Comoros to the United Nations and Ambassador to the United States.

They discussed a number of themes and projects of mutual interest and took this opportunity to officially communicate updated information regarding EUCLID (and relevant to US-based and government-sponsored EUCLID students) with the Government of the United States by means of a Joint Letter of the two ambassadors to Ambassador Susan Rice, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, and a member of the Cabinet of the United States, for transmission to the US State Department and its Bureau of International Organizations Affairs.

In January, Mr van Puyenbroeck had also met with H.E. Ambassador Herménégilde Niyonzima, the newly appointed (10/2011) Permanent Representative of Burundi to the United Nations, who also added his letter to the Joint Letter mentioned above.

02/01/2012: Reply to Accredibase / Verifile regarding government practice and degree-granting authority in the case of international universities (updated August 2012)

02/01/2012 (related): EUCLID publishes a landmark paper on the legal status and degree-granting authority of international universities


Older News and Events entries (2008-2011)




EUCLID (Pôle Universitaire Euclide |Euclid University):

A treaty-based organization with international liaison and representative offices in New York / Washington DC, Montpellier (France), Berlin (Germany)

International Headquarters: Bangui, C.A.R.; Banjul, The Gambia

Email: info@euclid.int

Institutional High Steward: President Faustin Touadéra, PhD (Mathematics; Lille, France)

Diplomatic and Academic High Steward: Ambassador Juan Avila, PhD (Education; Fordham, USA)


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